Some random bits written about us over the years...more to come.
April 2001 The Wire
review of Leaves Turn Inside You
Snap Pop! Sept/Oct 2001 Interview with Sara Lund p.1
Snap Pop! Sept/Oct 2001 interview with Sara Lund p.2
March 2002
The Olympian
Nashville Scene Aug 30, 2001 Show Preview
Nashville Scene Aug 30, 2001 cont.
Review of Leaves Turn Inside You
Olympian 6/29/01
Axis Music & Media Dispatch Jan 1998 Interview with Justin and Vern. p.1
Axis Music & Media Dispatch Jan 1998 Interview with Justin and Vern. p.2
Axis Music & Media Dispatch Jan 1998 Interview with Justin and Vern. p.3
10 year anniversary show interview with Justin. Olympian July 19, 2001